Tagged: senior flutter developer interview questions
An accessible user interface is paramount for any app development. Flutter, Google’s open-source UI toolkit, utilizes semantic trees to enhance accessibility. In this article, we will discuss semantic trees in Flutter and how they...
FFI also known as Foreign Function Interface (FFI) allows us to call functions written in a different programming language like C, C++, or Rust, directly from our Flutter Dart code. This is particularly helpful...
Animations are one of the most crucial components in captivating users’ attention and providing a great user experience. There are various types of Flutter animations provided by its widget framework which can breathe life...
Flutter’s widget framework revolutionizes the way of UI development for modern applications. Its array of distinctive features and support enables a way for the creation of visually appealing and highly responsive applications. Regardless of...
Asynchronous operations are one of the most crucial components for a smooth and great user experience in an application. They provide a way to perform tasks without blocking a user interface and ensure a...
Flutter provides a platform channel to communicate between the Flutter app and the native platforms. The platform channel consists of two types of channels: Method Channel and Event Channel. Both of these channels allow...
The Flutter BuildContext holds the location of the widget in the widget tree. The widgets are located and updated in response to state or event changes using the BuildContext by the Flutter framework. Every...
Flutter provides various techniques and tools to optimize the performance of applications. We have created a list of some of these advanced Flutter optimization techniques which will help in creating a highly efficient &...
Flutter is a highly optimized language with a core focus on optimization and smoother UI animations. Flutter uses various techniques to ensure this; one of them is using Flutter trees for faster UI rendering....
Flutter has it’s own Flutter engine which is optimised providing high speed and smooth rendered animations. In this article, we will discuss about the Flutter engine and what flutter does to achieves high performance...